Chile President Sebastián Piñera Promises To Speed Up Marriage Equality Bill

Chile President Sebastián Piñera speed up marriage equality.

Here's news that will thrill LGBTQ+ activists: the Chilean president has pledged to accelerate the legalization of same-sex marriage.

Sebastián Piñera, the President of Chile, has pledged to spped up the legalization of same-sex marriage in the country. Piñera's announcement comes as a response to the growing demand for equal marriage rights by the LGBTQ+ community in Chile. This move is expected to bring significant changes to Chile's social architecture and pave the way for more progressive legislation in the future.

Under Article 80 of Chile’s Civil Marriage Law, marriage is defined as a union between a man and a woman.

LGBTQ Chileans can register for a civil union since the approval of the Domestic Partnership Law (Acuerdo de Unión Civil) that came into effect in November 2017.

This recognition was a step forward for LGBTQ equality, but a civil union does not provide equal rights with married straight couples, even if it provides a right to adopt.

Introduced by former President Michelle Bachelet in 2017, the marriage equality bill stalled in Congress but is likely to move forward quickly as President Sebastián Piñera has said he wants to fast-track the bill.

“I think the time for equal marriage has come in our country,” Pinera said during his annual address to lawmakers. “All people, regardless of their sexual orientation, will be able to live, love, and form a family with all the protection and dignity they need and deserve.”

It remains to see if Congress will approve the bill.

Chilean President Sebastián Piñera has promised to speed up the process of legalizing legalizing same-sex marriage in Chile in Chile. It’s a promising move from one of Latin America’s more conservative countries. I’ll keep you updated with any developments on this story as they happen! Stay tuned....

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