The Legalization Of Equal Marriage Could Be Quite Simply Braked In Sinaloa

Marriage equality could be delayed in Sinaloa.

The conclusive vote on marriage equality in Sinaloa might face a delay due to the electoral timelines set for 2021.

The bill to legalize equal marriage in Sinaloa, a Mexican state, was approved at second reading, so all that’s missing is a final vote by the deputies, but now some of them intend to run for public office in 2021.

They will therefore have to give up their seat in the legislature and be replaced by alternates who do not necessarily have the same positions on marriage equality and do not know about the agreements made and the recommendations.

To avoid having to re-discuss the bill with these alternates, the idea would be to have the final vote before the end of this legislative session.

“There is no set date, but we hope that it will rise before this term ends; For us, the most convenient thing is that it be before, because the deputies who are sensitized on the issue and know it, could raise their hands in the electoral process and then with the alternate deputies we would have to start working,” the president of Inclusive Sinaloa Association, Tiago Ventura stressed.

How long will same-sex couples still have to wait to get the legalization of the law, that is the question?

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