The Handmaid's Tale is a TV show about a future where women are not allowed to work or control their own bodies. The protagonist, Offred (played by Elisabeth Moss), has nothing left but her thoughts and memories: of life before she was captured, when she had a job, a husband and daughter; before they were taken away from her. It's dark stuff - but it also feels like something that could happen in our world.
The trailer for the new season of The Handmaid’s Tale is so gripping and thought-provoking that it already leaves its mark on our memories.
Click this link to watch the full trailer now! >>
Hulu is finally shining light on the release date of The Handmaid’s Tale Season 4.
Get ready for an epic new season by watching season 4 now! >>
If feminism and female solidarity are issues close to your heart - or just a really good story about how women can be strong when they stand together, Motherland Fort Salem is also a show you could like watching.