Tennessee Approves Bill That Will Allow Parents To Remove Their Children From LGBTQ Curriculum

Tennessee bill for parents on the LGBTQ curriculum.

Following their March decision to restrict trans children's participation in sports teams aligning with their true gender, Tennessee lawmakers have once more given the green light to another anti-LGBTQ bill.

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North Carolina: Four Pro-LGBTQ Bills VS Two Anti-LGBTQ Bills

North Carolina set of pro-LGBTQ bills.

As the storm of anti-LGBTQ legislation sweeps through Arkansas, a ray of hope emerges in North Carolina, where legislators and Equality NC unveil four pro-LGBTQ bills, igniting a beacon of progress.

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Comprehensive Set Of Anti-LGBTQ Laws Introduced In Arkansas

Arkansas set of anti-LGBTQ bills.

In the heart of the United States, a battle for transgender rights is raging, and the state of Arkansas finds itself at the epicenter of this crucial struggle.

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Krasnik Suffers Consequences Of The “Free Of LGBTQ” Resolution

Krasnik faces consequences due to the

Discover the shocking consequences of Poland's "LGBTQ-free zones" in this eye-opening account of Mayor Wojciech Wilk's experience.

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41 Major Corporations Affirm Opposition to 4 Anti-LGBTQ Bills Introduced in Texas

Corporations oppose Texas anti-LGBTQ bills.

Texas lawmakers have recently enacted legislation that has significant implications for the LGBTQ+ community.

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Poland Is Set To Lose Billions Of Euros Over Discriminatory Laws

EU sanctions against Poland because of discriminatory laws.

Poland finds itself in a challenging position, with the European Union warning to slash its budget due to laws deemed discriminatory.

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