Poll: Support For Marriage Equality In Switzerland At High, Ahead Of National Referendum

Poll on marriage equality in Switzerland ahead of the vote.

Amidst ongoing debates on marriage equality in Switzerland, a recent poll has shown widespread support for same-sex marriage just before the upcoming referendum.

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Towards A Referendum On Equal Marriage In Switzerland

Switzerland to host a referendum on marriage equality.

In December of last year, Switzerland achieved a milestone by legalizing marriage equality, joining the ranks of 29 nations worldwide. However, in Switzerland, legislative decisions, including this one, can still face the possibility of being overturned through a referendum.

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Switzerland Became The 29th Country To Legalize Marriage Equality

Switzerland approved marriage equality.

It appeared that the law to legalize marriage equality in Switzerland was unstoppable prior to the holidays, and this has been confirmed.

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Switzerland Banned Public Homophobia And Biphobia

switzerland homophobia biphobia

Switzerland now protects gay, lesbian and bisexual people from public hate speech, but this isn’t a beautiful victory.

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82% Of Swiss Support Legalization Of Marriage Equality

New poll shows 82% of Swiss support marriage equality.

A recent poll reveals strong voter support for the legalization of marriage equality in Switzerland.

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Debates On Marriage Equality Have Begun In Switzerland

debates on marriage equality in switzerland

In Switzerland, LGBTQ couples would like to enjoy the same benefits as straight couples, benefits to which they don’t lay claim to as equal marriage isn’t legal and same-sex partnerships, which were legalized in January 2007, don’t provide complete equality of rights.

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