Pet Owner Thinks Her Cat Is Lesbian And Has A Girlfriend

lesbian cats

Pet owner felt her cat might be a lesbian and had a girlfriend, but being unsure and curious to find out the truth, she shared her questions on Twitter. Immediately, a wave of responses came in confirming the good news.

Her post read:

“Is my cat lesbian? I think it is. Before calling me a troll, homosexuality has been found in over 1,500 species and the domestic cat (and dog) is one of them. Do not believe me, search for yourself.

“Anyway, I think my cat has a girlfriend. Another local cat. She brings her to my house and they groom themselves. Are they dating?”

The owner probably didn’t expect this when she tweeted, but nearly 82,000 people told her that her cat was lesbian and she seemed to have a girlfriend.

And not only that, but many people have also shared stories about their lesbian cat.

I love this kind of story! Have you ever had a lesbian cat? My cat seems not to be gay even though she’s a badass.

Photo from Ingur by KittenCreator

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