A study by Michael A. Garcia and Debra Umberson published in the Journal of Marriage and Family entitled “Marital Strain and Psychological Distress in Same-Sex and Different-Sex Couples” got together “756 midlife U.S. men and women in 378 gay, lesbian, and heterosexual marriages” to find out which married couples are happiest five years after marriage equality was legalized in all American states.
Is it lesbian couples, gay couples, or straight couples? Are you curious to find out the results?
Well, my deepest condolences go out to straight couples, because yes, as you can guess now, same-sex couples are happier in marriage.
Participants simply kept a daily journal about stress related to their marriage and relationship to achieve this result. In the end, gay couples first, and then lesbian couples, are happier in marriage than straight couples.
First of all, in a straight couple, everyone is confined to tasks defined by their gender, whereas there is more sharing and also more communication in a same-sex couple. Thus, we do what we like to do first, and it’s not necessarily the dishes. And for the rest, we share.
Therefore, gay couples have the lowest level of stress, while straight women have the highest. Lesbian and straight men fell somewhere in the middle.
Gay couples are in the lead because they are more likely to discuss their sexuality, non-monogamy and sexual encounters outside of marriage.
Also, same-sex parents are more attentive and spend more time with their children, because their children have been desired.