Anti-LGBTQ Hate Is Still On The Rise In France

anti lgbtq hate rise france

Terrible news from France... We might have thought that the record for LGBT hatred had been broken in 2018, but the Ministry of the Interior released a report showing that nothing has changed in 2019. It was even worse.

The police “identified 1,870 victims of homophobic or transphobic offenses compared to 1,380 in 2018,” representing a “36 percent increase in the number of victims of anti-LGBT acts,” the ministry said in a statement.

The Ministry explains that “these figures testify to the deep anchoring of homophobia and transphobia in society.”

This hatred manifested itself in the form of insults for 33% and physical violence for 28%. It can also be seen that the principal victims were men (75%) and particularly people under 35 (62%).

Lastly, the report shows that the problem is present throughout France, especially in large cities, where 36% of complaints were lodged.

“This shows us that there is homophobia throughout the territory, including in rural areas,” Frederic Potier, the interministerial delegate for the fight against racism, anti-Semitism, and anti-LGBT hatred (Dilcrah) told AFP.

It’s frustrating... It’s like the measures that have been taken in recent years are ineffective.

French lawmakers have recently approved another measure that combats hate on social networks, but it’s like there are no measures that specifically target homophobia, transphobia, and biphobia.

The Ministry of the Interior has called for “increased vigilance by the public authorities” and efforts.

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