What's On In Wales For LGBTQ Rights

There are a lot of things happening in Wales that focus on LGBTQ rights. This list has been compiled to show how LGBTQ rights advance in Wales.

Church of Wales opens its door to same sex couples.

The Anglican Church in Wales Approves Blessings for Same-Sex Married Couples

In an historic move, this change to canon law means that same-sex couples can be blessed by their local parish priest.

This is great news for LGBT+ people in Wales! >>


So, what can we learn from Wales? Well for one thing we see that the LGBTQ community is celebrated and welcomed by many. This openness has led to a lot of progress in terms of rights and protections. As you may know France recently made an important step forward with their recent law on equal marriage and adoption. If you want to know more about LGBTQ rights in France, click here!

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