Overwhelming Majority Of Americans Now Oppose LGBTQ Discrimination

americans oppose lgbtq discrimination

I was referring recently to the decision of the Supreme Court of the United States, which opposed discrimination against LGBTQ workers and, conversely, the Trump administration that took a stand against the LGBTQ community by removing the protections so far benefited under the Affordable Care Act (ACA).

But what about the American’s position on discrimination against LGBTQ people? A poll by KFF answers that question.

The Poll Results

KFF’s public opinion researchers conducted a poll from June 16-21, 2020, which shows that a large majority of Americans, whether Republicans, Independents or Democrats, oppose discrimination by employers or health care providers against LGBTQ people.

Once again, the administration has failed to understand society or even its own side.

“Most Americans - including most Republicans — oppose discrimination against people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender,” KFF President and CEO Drew Altman said. “The public is shifting more quickly on these issues than the political and legal landscapes are.”

Discrimination In Employment

9 in 10 adults agreed with the Supreme Court’s decision.

90% believe it should be illegal for employers to fire or refuse to hire lesbian, gay, or bisexual people.

89% support transgender people in the same situation.

Health Discrimination

Almost 9 in 10 think it should be illegal for doctors or other health care providers to refuse to treat people because they are LGBTQ, 89% supporting lesbian, gay or bisexual people, and 88% supporting transgender people in this situation.

There are also 85% of respondents who say that it should be illegal for health insurance companies to refuse to pay for health care services for transgender people.

Americans VS LGBTQ Discrimination

Nearly 7 out of 10 adults support laws that ban discrimination based on sexual orientation (69% support) or gender identity (68% support).

Republicans VS LGBTQ Discrimination

7 in 10 Republicans condemn discrimination against LGBTQ people.

There is a change taking place in American society, which is increasingly opposing discrimination against women, black and LGBTQ people.

It’s been a long time since we discussed discrimination and people thought this could not exist.

Today, the poll shows that most Americans recognize the existence of LGBTQ discrimination.

79% say that transgender people and 74% say that lesbian, gay, or bisexual people experience at least one act of discrimination in their lives in the United States.

Acceptance of Transgender People

  • 49% said that American society “not gone far enough in accepting people who are transgender.”

That’s a 10% increase from a 2017 Pew Research Center survey.

  • 15% say it has “gone too far.”
  • 32% said she “has been about right.”

36% of respondents said they know a trans person, 46% of whom are under 30.

There is still a lot to be done. We are still a long way from full equality, but we have to admit that a lot has been achieved in recent years.

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