President Biden Designated The Pulse LGBTQ Nightclub A National Memorial

President Biden designated the Pulse nightclub as National Memorial.

The Pulse Nightclub in Orlando, Florida, became a tragic symbol in 2016 when a lone terrorist took the lives of 49 LGBTQ individuals. During Pride month, President Biden issued an order to transform the nightclub into a national memorial, commemorating the lives lost.

The National Pulse Memorial

On June 25th, President Joe Biden signed H.R. 49 into law that will create the National Pulse Memorial. Congress adopted this legislation last month.

The Memorial is being built to honor victims of the shooting and celebrate LGBTQ pride.

When President Joe Biden signed the legislation establishing Florida’s National Pulse Memorial, it was an emotional moment. His speech was also touching and sends important messages about LGBTQ equality.

“Our presence this afternoon makes a very strong statement: Pride is back at the White House,” Biden said. “We’ll never fully recover, but we’ll remember. May ... no president ever have to sign another monument like this.”

The Equality Act

After the signature, President Biden has sought to emphasize equality for the LGBTQ+ community. He urged Congress to pass the Equality Act to explicitly protect the civil rights of LGBTQ+ people.

Talking about anti-LGBTQ laws introduced in many U.S. states, he said: “These are some of the ugliest, most un-American bills I’ve seen, and I’ve been here a long time. This is no more than bullying disguised as legislation.”

“We must protect the gains we’ve made and fend off the cruel and unconscionable attacks we’re seeing now,” Biden added, “to ensure that everyone enjoys the full promise of equality and dignity and protection.”


The Pulse shooting is an event that will never be forgotten. It’s a reminder of the importance to protect LGBTQ+ rights and make sure everyone has equal access to opportunity regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity. I was pleased President Joe Biden was able to sign legislation to establish Florida’s National Pulse Memorial in Orlando while also challenging Congress to protect LGBTQ people against discrimination.

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