Three Pro-LGBTQ Bills Introduced In Kentucky

Three LGBTQ rights bills were introduced in Kentucky.

Kentucky has brought forth three bills concerning the LGBTQ community. One aims to revoke an outdated law criminalizing same-sex relations, another targets the ban of "conversion therapies," and the third strives to prevent discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity.

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Columbia, SC Banned “Conversion Therapy” For LGBTQ Minors

Columbia, SC banned conversion therapies for LGBTQ minors.

In Columbia, South Carolina, a significant development has occurred with the passing of an ordinance that bans "conversion therapy" for LGBTQ+ minors.

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West Lafayette City Council Postponed Vote On “Conversion Therapies” Ban

West Lafayette's conversion therapy ban was delayed.

The city of West Lafayette in Indiana is currently facing a dilemma on whether or not to outlaw "conversion therapy."

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North Dakota Approves New Rule Banning “Conversion Therapies”

North Dakota bans conversion therapy.

It took Bianca Bell, a social worker who chairs the North Dakota Board of Social Work Examiners, more than a year to craft a bill banning social workers from performing “conversion therapy” on LGBTQ people or anyone else who questions their sexual orientation or gender identity.

And despite a very close vote, 8 for and 7 against, members of the North Dakota Administrative Rules Committee, which licenses social workers in the state, approved the bill.

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Queer MP Makes Motion To Ban “Conversion Therapies” In The Netherlands

Queer MP Vera Bergkamp presented a motion to ban

Vera Bergkamp, the former president of the Dutch LGBTQ rights organization, COC Netherland, who became a member of the Democrats 66 (D66) elected in the House of Representatives in 2012, introduced a motion to ban “conversion therapies” in the country.

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Germany May Soon Ban “Conversion Therapies”

germany conversion therapy

It’s horrible to know that 1,000 young people in Germany are forced to undergo “conversion therapy” every year. It’s disgusting to imagine what they have to endure. Nevertheless, things may want to improve because Health Minister Jens Spahn has introduced a bill to ban “conversion therapies” aimed at “changing” the sexual orientation or gender identity of a person.

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UK Government Aims To Ban “Conversion Therapy” Once And For All

Rainbow flag flying.

The UK government has taken a significant step towards protecting LGBTQ+ individuals by announcing its intention to ban “conversion therapy” in all its forms in England and Wales.

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