‘The Daughters’: A Play About The Lesbian Movement In San Francisco

 san franisco lesbian play the daughters by jessica palopoli

Over the past few years, our community has evolved a lot and so do the people who make it up. A play focused on two key moments in San Francisco’s lesbian lives.

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Cynthia Nixon Is Adapting The Iconic Lesbian Play “Last Summer At Bluefish Cove”

cynthia nixon lesbian play

The last time I told you about Cynthia Nixon, the lesbian actress well known for her role in ‘Sex And The City’ was running for governor in New York. In the end, she failed to convince the Democratic camp and was not chosen in the primary.

After this failure in politics, Cynthia Nixon is now back to her first passion. She will soon direct a new adaptation of “Last Summer at Bluefish Cove” by Jane Chambers.

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