Five Pro-LGBTQ Bills Move Forward In Virginia

Virginia five pro lgbtq bills

The Democratic Party regained the majority of both houses in Virginia in the 2019 election. A few days ago, five pro-LGBTQ bills were introduced to the legislators.

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Court Renders Surprising Verdict On Jacksonville's Nondiscrimination Ordinance

jacksonville florida nondiscrimination ordinance rejected by court

There are days when we are entitled to wonder if they understand what this means to us?

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Holland’s LGBTQ People Are Calling For Inclusion In The Anti-Discrimination Law


In 2011, the city of Holland, Michigan has already tried to include the LGBTQ community in the anti-discrimination ordinance, but it didn’t work. The bill was rejected by a 5-4 vote.

This time there is a new mayor in town, Nathan Bocks, who is in favor of the amendment.

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Three Pro-LGBTQ Bills Introduced In Kentucky

Three LGBTQ rights bills were introduced in Kentucky.

Kentucky has brought forth three bills concerning the LGBTQ community. One aims to revoke an outdated law criminalizing same-sex relations, another targets the ban of "conversion therapies," and the third strives to prevent discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity.

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Olathe Encourages But Does Not Require Non-Discrimination Of LGBTQ People


In Kansas, Olathe City Council was to consider a non-discrimination ordinance for LGBTQ people.

This was an opportunity to promote equality and diversity while providing protections against discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity. In this way, all Olathe residents would feel that they were living on an equal footing. That was the plan.

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