Let's Remove Virginia’s Constitutional Ban On Equal Marriage

Initiative to abolish marriage equality ban in Virginia's consitution.

As Virginia grapples with a longstanding constitutional amendment that once prohibited same-sex marriage, it's worth noting that this amendment, though no longer enforced following the U.S. Supreme Court's 2015 decision, remains on the books. Now, as a bill seeks to erase this relic of discrimination from the state's constitution, the road to approval appears uncertain, especially in the midst of impending elections.

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Virginia Now Protects LGBTQ People Against Discriminations

virginia lgbtq protections

257,400 LGBTQ adults live in the state of Virginia and until now, they have had no protection from discrimination as the law only protects on the basis of race, religion, and sex.

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Virginia’s House Subcommittee Rejects Lifting Same-Sex Marriage Ban

Richmond, Virginia, USA panorama.

Why has Virginia’s House of Delegates chosen to deny a proposed amendment that could bring an end to discrimination against same-sex marriages?

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Five Pro-LGBTQ Bills Move Forward In Virginia

Virginia five pro lgbtq bills

The Democratic Party regained the majority of both houses in Virginia in the 2019 election. A few days ago, five pro-LGBTQ bills were introduced to the legislators.

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Danica Roem, Dawn Adams, And Mark Sickles Were Re-Elected In Virginia!

Danica Roem, Dawn Adams, and Mark Sickles were re-elected to the Virginia House of Delegates.

Cheers to Virginia! The trio of LGBTQ state legislators have triumphed in their re-election bids for the Virginia House of Delegates.

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