Oklahoma Bathroom Law Hurts Transgender Children And Students

Bathroom law makes trans students unsafe in Oklahoma.

When I told you the other day about the law that now prevents transgender girls and women from playing sports on a team that matches their gender identity, I didn’t think I’d be talking about Oklahoma and its anti-trans laws again so soon. But here we are. Last Wednesday was another dark day for the transgender community in that state.

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Conversion Therapy Ban Passed The First Stage In Oklahoma

oklahoma conversion therapy ban first stage photo gettyimages

Oklahoma may ban conversion therapy for minors.

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Oklahoma Joins The Ranks Of Anti-Trans States

Oklahoma's trans sports ban was signed into law.

In a disheartening yet unfortunately expected development, Oklahoma has followed suit with other states by contemplating a law that seeks to prohibit transgender youth from participating in sports on teams aligning with their gender identity.

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Out Actress Devery Jacobs Is Back In “Reservation Dogs” Season 2

Reservation Dogs season 2.

Devery Jacobs is back in Season 2 of “Reservation Dogs” and this time, things are getting a little more complicated for her character. In the new season, you’ll see Elora struggling to balance the life she knows on the reservation with the outside world, which offers opportunities but also comes with its own set of challenges. For Elora, it’s a chance to explore her identity and figure out who she wants to be. It’s an exciting season, and I can’t wait to see what Devery Jacobs does with the role.

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