Conversion Therapy Ban Passed The First Stage In Oklahoma

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Oklahoma may ban conversion therapy for minors.

This controversial practice, officially recognized as dangerous, remained hidden within families until recently. But in recent years, the promotion of this practice has helped to highlight its cruelty.

Thus, more and more states are banning conversion therapies.

Oklahoma has introduced a bill sponsored by state Representative Jason Dunnington who said he had difficulty getting the bill to the governor. Nevertheless, there is hope, after Utah recently banned conversion therapies.

In Oklahoma, the House Committee on Children, Youth and Family Services approved the bill by a 10-4 vote with bipartisan support.

“I’m not surprised, because protecting children in Oklahoma is not a partisan issue,” said Rep. Jason Dunnington. “When we laid out the facts of why this is a dangerous practice, representatives really stepped up and wanted to do the right thing.”

The bill will now go before the full House.

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