Poll: A Majority Of Anglicans Says ‘I Do’ To Same-Sex Marriage

Anglicans are in favor of same-sex marriages.

In a survey conducted last year by the Ozanne Foundation and YouGov, a significant shift in the Church of England's stance on same-sex marriage was revealed. The findings shed light on how the Church community perceives this topic and its views towards it.

A majority of Anglicans support marriage equality

When the first survey on same-sex marriage was conducted in 2013, it found that only 38% of Anglicans supported it.

Today, the tide has turned in favor of same-sex marriage as 55% agree that this is a good thing.

62% of women support same-sex marriages

As always, women are more accepting than men when it comes to same-sex marriages. 62% of women think this is good, as opposed to 44% of men.

Youth support same-sex relationships too

Young people are also more likely than older generations to support marriage equality.

The Church of England's view on same-sex marriage

The Church of England has refused to celebrate or bless same-sex unions, whether it is a wedding or partnership. Clergy are also unable to openly display their queer identity if they get married; in fact, this could result in them losing their ministry!

Survey results underscore the urgent need for change

Founder of The Ozanne Foundation, Jayne Ozanne.

Jayne Ozanne.

Jayne Ozanne, an LGBTQ activist and founder of The Ozanne Foundation, says that the following survey underlined “the urgent need for the Church of England hierarchy to bring forward proposals to accept and celebrate same-sex relationships”.

Very Revd Joe Hawes.

Very Revd Joe Hawes.

The Dean of St Edmundsbury, the Very Reverend Joe Hawes, who chairs the Foundation, also said the results “provide a challenge to all those in leadership within the Church of England, calling us to understand the views of the people we serve. Attitudes have changed quickly over the past decade, including our understanding of scripture and science.”

He called on the Church of England to be open and accepting towards LGBTQ+ people.

“It is high time we became a Church for all England, recognizing the love that exists between two individuals who wish to honor and cherish each other,” he said. “As the Established Church, we are now manifestly out of step with what the majority in this country believe and have no problem in accepting.”

The Church of England hierarchy needs to bring forward proposals that accept same-sex relationships to remain relevant and representative. It is also imperative they stop denigrating LGBTQ+ clergy.

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