On December 11, 2020, drama series “The Wilds” landed on Amazon Prime Video. The story that follows a group of 7 teenage girls, including two lesbians, on a desert island after the “crash” of their plane was successful enough to be renewed for a season two.
The adventures of Gretchen, Fatin, Dot, Leah, Toni, Martha, Daniel, Dean, Nora, Rachel, and Shelby will thus be able to continue in new episodes.
“The Wilds” is a surprising and addictive YA survivalist drama series created by Sarah Streicher.
I confess, at first, I asked myself why I was watching this so much the characters appear futile at the beginning of episode 1, but quickly, we are immersed in the story when the plane that was supposed to take them to a young women’s empowerment retreat in Hawaii “crashes” and the girls find themselves on a desert island left to themselves. At least that’s what they believe because they are in fact the object of an experience.
What I found interesting is the fact that we discover each character, one after the other, in their life before the desert island.
I also liked the way the two stories of our lesbian characters are told.
The series has no taboos, neither about sexuality, masturbation, drugs, alcohol, family violence nor religious violence.
It’s powerful, violent at times, but these are stories that are rarely seen on television. On top of that, there’s crazy suspense.
“The Wilds” will continue through 10 new episodes in season 2 to come. We will find out if the two lesbian girls stay together, why Shelby has short hair, and if they will escape from where the “FBI” locked them up? In short, what will happen to them?