Little Girl: A Moving Portrait Of A Transgender Girl

Review of Little Girl directed by Sébastien Lifshitz.

After months of anticipation, Sasha's story is finally here!

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Biden Administration Strengthens Affordable Care Act To Guarantee Health Care For All

Affordable Care Act to provide health care services to all.

The Trump administration has been relentlessly attacking health care for LGBTQ+ people when in office, including rescinding an Obama-era rule that protected against discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity. This put LGBTQ+ people at risk of being denied care or being treated unfairly by healthcare providers.

A few days ago, the Biden administration announced their intention to reinstate this rule. The decision was widely welcomed by LGBTQ+ rights organizations, which have been fighting for this change for many years.

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Transgender Children Try To Stop Missouri’s Anti-Trans Bill

Transgender children testify to stop anti-transbill in Missouri.

As the fight for LGBTQ+ rights gains momentum, the United States progresses towards greater inclusivity, a concerning rollback of transgender rights and freedoms is taking place across several states, putting the very future of LGBTQ+ equality in the country at risk.

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Senate Committee Passes Transgender Sports Ban In Arizona

Arizona schools could ban transgender girls from playing sports in girls' teams.

Two month ago, I wrote about how the state of Tennessee was passing a bill that would ban transgender girls from playing sports in a team that matches their gender identities. It was a discouraging development, and unfortunately, the situation for transgender rights is no better in Arizona. The Senate Judiciary Committee has just approved a sports participation law, meaning it is one step closer to becoming real.

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Anti-Trans Bills Are Developing Across The United States

anti trans bill usa

In New Hampshire and Idaho, legislators defeated anti-trans laws, but this year will be extremely difficult for the trans community.

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The 10 Most Challenged LGBTQ Books For 2019

most challenged books are lgbtq 2019

The American Library Association (ALA) released its annual report on banned or challenged books in schools, universities, and public libraries in 2019.

This time, we see that most of the challenges involve LGBTQ books.

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U.S. Senate Confirms Dr. Rachel Levine

U.S. Senate confirmed Rachel Levine as Assistant Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services.

Shattering boundaries and etching her name in history, Dr. Rachel Levine's approval as Assistant Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services marks a groundbreaking accomplishment for transgender representation in government.

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Charlize Theron Calls For More Gender-Neutral Awards Categories

charlize theron gender neutral awards

Charlize Theron hopes that there will be “soon” more gender-neutral categories at the award ceremonies.

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