Fermoy Breaks Its Twinning With The Polish Anti-LGBTQ City Nowa Deba

Irish town Fermoy breaks twinning with Polish city Nowa Deba.

After much anticipation, the town of Fermoy in Ireland has made a definitive choice regarding their twinning partnership with a Polish town that had previously voiced opposition to the LGBTQ+ community.

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Paris Doubles Subsidies For LGBTQ Associations

LGBTQ associations in Paris, France.

Mayor Anne Hidalgo brings a wave of positivity to LGBTQ+ groups in Paris, France, with her decision to increase their yearly grants twofold.

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EU Commission To Put Forward A Strategy To Strengthen LGBTQ Rights

Ursula Von Der Leyen Backs Up LGBTQ Rights.

A disturbing trend took hold in Poland last year, one that sent shockwaves throughout the European Union and beyond.

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Is Germany Moving Towards Better Recognition Of Lesbian Moms?

Germany could allow a better recognition of the second lesbian mom.

Have you been following the latest updates in Germany? It appears that the government has recently introduced a bill to prohibit "conversion therapies," and there is now news regarding progress being made towards advancing the rights of LGBTQ moms in the country. Let's delve deeper into these noteworthy events.

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Will Italy Ban Discrimination And Hate Crimes Against LGBTQ People?

Italy debats a nondiscrimination law.

As Italy navigates the path of progress, a pioneering bill emerges to protect the LGBTQ+ community from discrimination and hate crimes.

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French Assembly Adopts The Opening Of IVF To LGBTQ Women

The French Assembly approved IVF for LGBTQ women in a second reading.

It may seem incredible to you, but French couples of women and single women do not have access to in vitro fertilization (IVF). Only women married to a man can conceive a child through medically assisted procreation. This is the law, and fortunately, it may change over the year.

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European Union Sanctions Six Polish Cities For Their Anti-LGBTQ Stance

The European Union sanctions anti-LGBTQ Polish towns.

The European Union will sanction a few towns in Poland following their anti-LGBTQ views.

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LGBTQ Rights In Hungary: What You Need To Know

Hungary is a place that may not be on your radar as the best destination for LGBTQ rights. The LGBTQ community in Hungary is facing a lot of issues right now. Laws are changing, and there's no clear path for what the future holds.

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Being LGBTQ In Poland: The Good, The Bad And The Ugly

Poland is not a country with a reputation for being LGBTQ-friendly. In fact, it's one of the worst countries in Europe when it comes to LGBTQ rights. So how do LGBTQ women live there? How LGBTQ rights are evolving? Here's the answer.

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The Future Of LGBTQ Rights In Switzerland

A recent bill in Switzerland has given all LGBTQ people the right to legally marry. This is an incredible victory for us queer folk! That being said, there are still many hurdles that we have in the country and in the rest of Europe.

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Russia Closes The Door To Marriage Equality For The Next 16 Years

russia bans marriage equality

Well, in Russia, it’s no fun for the LGBTQ community!

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Candidates To Polish Presidential Election Clash Over LGBTQ Rights

polish presidential candidates clash lgbtq rights

The Polish presidential election sees two candidates with opposing views on LGBTQ rights.

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The Most And Least LGBTQ-Friendly Countries In Europe

2020 lgbtq friendly european countries

For the 11th year, ILGA-Europe releases its report on the progress and decline of LGBTQ rights in European countries with a rainbow map ranking them from most to least LGBTQ-friendly.

In which countries have the rights of our community continued to advance and where have they regressed? ILGA’s study is an opportunity to find out.

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Debates On Marriage Equality Have Begun In Switzerland

debates on marriage equality in switzerland

In Switzerland, LGBTQ couples would like to enjoy the same benefits as straight couples, benefits to which they don’t lay claim to as equal marriage isn’t legal and same-sex partnerships, which were legalized in January 2007, don’t provide complete equality of rights.

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Anti-LGBTQ Hate Is Still On The Rise In France

anti lgbtq hate rise france

Terrible news from France... We might have thought that the record for LGBT hatred had been broken in 2018, but the Ministry of the Interior released a report showing that nothing has changed in 2019. It was even worse.

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Bosnia And Herzegovina Takes The First Step Towards Recognition Of LGBTQ Unions

bosnia and herzegovina first step recognition same sex unions shutterstock 568706347

The Government of Bosnia and Herzegovina is taking a step towards recognizing and opening marriage to same-sex couples.

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UK Charity Albert Kennedy Trust Asks LGBTQ Youth To Postpone Coming Out

uk charity lgbtq youth coming out covid 19

British charities are asking young LGBTQ people to stay in the closet during the COVID-19 pandemic to protect them.

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Fermoy To Break Its Twinning With A Polish City After Anti-LGBTQ Positions Taken

fermoy twinning poland city

Fermoy in Ireland may suspend its twinning with a Polish town after a major disagreement over LGBTQ people’s rights.

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The Lesbian, Gay And Bisexual Population Has Increased Significantly In The UK

uk lgbtq people

A new survey conducted in the United Kingdom reveals that there is a substantial rise in the number of people identifying as lesbian, gay or bisexual (+ 2.2 percent in one year).

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Putin Introduced A Constitutional Amendment Banning Marriage Equality

vladimir putin marriage equality

Russian President Vladimir Putin has stated in a recent interview his intention to prohibit marriage equality in the Russian constitution with an amendment.

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