The State Department Allows Third Gender Option On U.S Passports

The U.S. Department of State announce a gender neutral passport with a new option for gender non conforming persons.

The U.S. Department of State has recently made a groundbreaking announcement: U.S. passports will now feature a third gender marker option, allowing individuals to better express their true identity on their documents.

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Will Voters Get To Vote On LGBTQ Rights In Michigan This November?

Will Michigan voters vote on the nondiscrimination bill to protect LGBTQ people in the 2022 ballot?

Michigan's LGBTQ community faces uncertainty as the state's board of canvassers delays certification of a petition for the November ballot, which seeks to extend protections for sexual orientation and gender identity under the Elliott-Larsen Civil Rights Act.

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California To Expand State-Funded Travel Ban To Five New States

California law now prohibits five more states in its state-funded travel ban.

Assemblyman Evan Low has revealed that California is expanding its list of states subject to a taxpayer-funded travel ban due to recent measures viewed as discriminatory against LGBTQ+ Americans.

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Supreme Court Says No To Florist Who Will Not Serve Same-Sex Couples

Supreme court LGBTQ discrimination.

The United States Supreme Court has declared that it will not entertain an appeal from a Washington state florist who declined to supply flowers for same-sex weddings. With this decision, the case is now officially closed.

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Chantale Wong Will Be The First Lesbian To Serve As A U.S. Ambassador

Chantale Wong appointed as U.S. Ambassador.

In a significant move, President Biden has appointed the first-ever LGBTQ+ individual of color to hold the position of a U.S. ambassador, adding another milestone as she is also the first lesbian ever to be nominated for this prestigious role.

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Supreme Court’s Decision On Gavin Grimm’s Case Is An Important Victory For Trans Rights

SCOTUS' decision on trans student's rights Gavin Grimm.

On Monday, trans student Gavin Grimm won his fight against discrimination again after the Supreme Court refused to hear an appeal that challenged his case. This decision is an important victory for trans rights as over 30 states have introduced anti-trans bills.

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President Biden Designated The Pulse LGBTQ Nightclub A National Memorial

President Biden designated the Pulse nightclub as National Memorial.

The Pulse Nightclub in Orlando, Florida, became a tragic symbol in 2016 when a lone terrorist took the lives of 49 LGBTQ individuals. During Pride month, President Biden issued an order to transform the nightclub into a national memorial, commemorating the lives lost.

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3 Bills Aiming To Boost LGBTQ Rights In Kentucky

Trio of LGBTQ bills introduced in Kentucky.

Kentucky State Representative Lisa Willner has taken action against the recent wave of anti-LGBTQ+ legislation by introducing three bills that aim to improve the rights of LGBTQ+ individuals.

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President Joe Biden Appointed Jessica Stern as the U.S. Special Envoy to Advance the Human Rights of LGBTQI+ Persons

Jessica Stern was appointed as U.S. Special Envoy to Advance the Human Rights of LGBTQI+ Persons by President Joe Biden.

President Joe Biden has announced Jessica Stern as the U.S. Special Envoy to Advance the Human Rights of LGBTQI+ Persons. Stern has dedicated her life to human rights activism, both internationally and domestically, so she’ll have plenty of experience working within this new position.

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Breaking News: American Support For Marriage Equality Rises To 70%!

Americans support to marriage equality rises high.

The marriage equality movement in the United States has been gaining momentum for years and support for same-sex marriage has grown steadily.

A new poll shows that support is higher than it’s ever been before. It also reveals that even those who are against marriage equality have grown more accepting towards the idea over time, which is good news!

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Cherokee Council Did Not Take Marriage Equality Seriously

The Cherokee Tribal Council ignored the marriage equality ordinance.

Love knows no boundaries, but it seems the Cherokee Council has yet to grasp this concept as they continue to ignore the fight for marriage equality within their community.

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Columbia, SC Banned “Conversion Therapy” For LGBTQ Minors

Columbia, SC banned conversion therapies for LGBTQ minors.

In Columbia, South Carolina, a significant development has occurred with the passing of an ordinance that bans "conversion therapy" for LGBTQ+ minors.

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North Dakota Approves New Rule Banning “Conversion Therapies”

North Dakota bans conversion therapy.

It took Bianca Bell, a social worker who chairs the North Dakota Board of Social Work Examiners, more than a year to craft a bill banning social workers from performing “conversion therapy” on LGBTQ people or anyone else who questions their sexual orientation or gender identity.

And despite a very close vote, 8 for and 7 against, members of the North Dakota Administrative Rules Committee, which licenses social workers in the state, approved the bill.

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Pride Month: U.S. Flies LGBTQ Flag On Embassies In The Vatican And Around The World

The U.S. embassy is flying an rainbow flag in the Vatican to celebrate the LGBTQ Pride Month.

The U.S. Embassy in the Vatican is making a stand for LGBTQ rights as fundamental human rights and commemorating LGBTQ Pride Month with the display of a rainbow flag.

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Napa Valley College Awards Its First Ever LGBTQ Studies Degrees!

Napa Valley College LGBTQ Studies Degrees.

Napa Valley College proudly introduces the first pair of graduate students in their LGBTQ Studies program.

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President Biden Restores Protection Against LGBTQ Discrimination In Healthcare

President Joe Biden put the LGBTQ healthcare protection back.

Well, hardly a week goes by without a pro-LGBTQ announcement from the White House! So this week, on the agenda, President Biden flipped the ban that prevented protection for LGBTQ people in healthcare.

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North Carolina: Buncombe County Adopts Nondiscrimination Ordinance

Buncombe County in North Carolina approved a nondiscrimination ordinance.

Good news! A new nondiscrimination ordinance has been enacted in a North Carolina county, extending protections to LGBTQ+ individuals.

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U.S. Supreme Court Leaves Texas on California’s Discrimination List

SCOTUS won't hear Texas' case asking to be removed from California's discrimination list.

Texas recently made headlines by passing a discriminatory measure against LGBTQ+ individuals, leading to its inclusion on California's list of states to be avoided. However, Texas' efforts to challenge this decision through legal means did not unfold as anticipated.

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Missouri Won’t Remove Language Banning Marriage Equality

Marriage equality ban in Missouri.

Unfortunately, the language prohibiting marriage equality in Missouri will remain in place.

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President Biden Appoints Two LGBTQ Women To Defense Department

President Joe Biden appointed two LGBTQ women to the defense department.

President Biden has once again demonstrated his commitment to diversity in leadership. He has named two women from the LGBTQ+ community to prominent roles in the Pentagon, marking a significant milestone in the representation of this community in government.

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